Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Film Music Video Feedback

Knowledge and understanding of:
Characteristics of a music video
Film language to explain ideas
Chosen theme and creativity
Thorough and effective time management
Creativity and filming on location

Bollywood Music Video:
Group Members: Emily, Georgie, Beatrice and Katherine
Good use / good display of music video
Good theme and creativity
Creativity with filming on location is good – location chosen well
Film language and movements within the film good and matches the video.
Good planning and organization with cast of the music video
Could of done better with choreography and matching music with videos.
Also could of done better with filming – as in making sure what you want to be in the scene, in the scene.
Overall very well done.

Group Members: Nick Sung, Davis Wong, Brandon Tang, Saskia Leung
Good use of B&W
Good use of angles and tracking
Special Effects of color use and special effects
Could of done better with filming – as in making sure what you want to be in the scene, in the scene.
Consistency could of tried harder to make the video more consistent.
Good ending with character walking into the black.
Was not very well portrayed à Display of theme and creativity.
Good explanation of what the music video is about.
 Good use of symbolism.
Not as explanatory but good use of color.
Kind of lazy to say, “Just watch it and interpret it yourself.”

Jay Chou Music Video:
Alistair, Charles, Bryce and Nic Tse
Could of used different angles
Good tracking of the basketball.
Not all the words the characters are saying match the lyrics but good try to try and match it.
Theme is not very evident I first thought it was about basketball after explanation, I now know it is actually about trying hard to succeed could have been more obvious.
Action filmed very well

Aaron, Bradley, Dylan and Ryan:
Good use of angles
Goood/Funny storyline
Good camera angles and shots
Continuity not very good at some places
Good overall

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sound Design Research

Sound Design:

With sound design, to make weird organic sounding science fiction kind of wounds you can use different ways to create the sound you want. For example, for a squishing sound, the guy in the video used raw chicken, squishing around in barbecue sauce. and for a suction sound he used the sound of him trying to get dog food out of a can. 

for the Kung Fu Panda movie, the sound team posted a video on how they recorded "whooshing" sounds. They had a mic on the floor and swung different things around on a piece of string. For example they swung a skirt, a tennis racket and even a harmonica. Last they did something different and they attached a bungee cord to two different walls, then stretched it far back and let go. It made a really cool whooshing sound with an echo. 

Ideas for sounds we can use for our sound clip: 

For the first scene where there is the huge flying bird, i was thinking that we could have some sort of whooshing sound made by swinging a racket or something accompanied by soft but dramatic music leading into the next scene.