Thursday, March 10, 2011

Music Video Brain storming

Going Crazy By Song Ji Eun
AOI - Relationships, drug abuse/gambling addiction, love

Characteristics of K-Pop music videos:
- longer cuts
- story plots
- sad mood
- dialog
- stalker shots

Idea one:
A couple, the guy has a addiction to gambling or drugs, the girl is trying to get him away from it, they fight/abuse, she wants to leave, he doesn't let her, [he kills her].

Idea two:
Stalker guy - stalking the girl, then the girl gets random txts, emails, phone calls etc...
He kidnaps the girl
put a knife to her face....

Idea three:
Complicated relationship
guy is really nice to her
guy finds out girl is cheating on him
the guy goes crazy, hangs himself
she goes crazy once she finds out he is dead
hangs herself as well

Idea chosen: Idea number two.

Today in class, we came up with ideas on what our music video was going to be on. This class i found was fun because i got to work with people i don't normally work with and had lots of fun doing so when all our ideas came pouring out. I think that the music video that we are going to make is going to be awesome!!

This is the song we are using:

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