Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sound Design Research

Sound Design:

With sound design, to make weird organic sounding science fiction kind of wounds you can use different ways to create the sound you want. For example, for a squishing sound, the guy in the video used raw chicken, squishing around in barbecue sauce. and for a suction sound he used the sound of him trying to get dog food out of a can. 

for the Kung Fu Panda movie, the sound team posted a video on how they recorded "whooshing" sounds. They had a mic on the floor and swung different things around on a piece of string. For example they swung a skirt, a tennis racket and even a harmonica. Last they did something different and they attached a bungee cord to two different walls, then stretched it far back and let go. It made a really cool whooshing sound with an echo. 

Ideas for sounds we can use for our sound clip: 

For the first scene where there is the huge flying bird, i was thinking that we could have some sort of whooshing sound made by swinging a racket or something accompanied by soft but dramatic music leading into the next scene. 

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