Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Refined Story board 1 & Filming 1 Reflection

Filming the storyboard. 

Yesterday, during class, we started and finished filming our first short scene. When we were filming the scene, we got distracted because we found the scene hard to concentrate because we were laughing at what each other were doing. Though in the end we got it done in time to transfer all the videos into the computer. My favorite part of our first film/scene is the very last part. In the very last part of the scene, i 'slap' Alistair because i am playing a chinese mum who gets mad at her son for not doing well on his exam. Our AOI focus is health and social education. According to the IB Middle Years Program, in Health and Social Education "there must be a balance between physical, social-emotional and intellectual health." - http://internet.savannah.chatham.k12.ga.us/schools/cms/Pages/InternationalBaccalaureateMiddleYearsProgramme.aspx

I think that our short scene captures this because it shows just about the exact opposite of what is said in the quote above. In our scene, we show that our character - the kid, is afraid of his parents - this is not a mentally, physically or emotionally healthy at all. Him being afraid of his parents is shown when he talks. At the start when he says "Umm... Mum... Dad... ? I got my test back." He is talking in a wavering voice. Overall during the filming process, i think we did really well. Looking through the tapes on what we filmed, i think that our scene will be very good and come together nicely. 

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